Technology and Quality Up-gradation support to MSMEs (TEQUP)
Objectives of the scheme:
The first objective of the scheme is to sensitize and encourage the manufacturing MSME sector in India to the use of Energy Efficient Technologies and Manufacturing Processes so as to reduce cost of production and emissions of GHGs. The second objective of the scheme is to create awareness and encourage the MSMEs to acquire Product Certification/ Licenses from National/ International Bodies.
Salient Feature of the scheme
Major activities:
- To sensitize MSME Sector through conducting Awareness Programmes to adopt Energy Efficient Technologies and acquire Product Certification/ Licenses from National/ International Bodies.
- To provide Financial Assistance in the form of subsidy to the extent of 25% of the project cost for implementation of Energy Efficient Technology (EET). The maximum amount of subsidy will be Rs. 10 Lakh for project cost of Rs. 40 Lakhs. This activity is implemented through various nodal banks.
- To provide subsidy to MSME units to the extent of 75% of the actual expenditure incurred by them for obtaining Product Certification Licenses. The maximum GoI assistance allowed per MSME is Rs. 1.5 lakh for obtaining licensing/ marking to national standards and Rs. 2.00 lakh for obtaining international Certification.
- The scheme was in operation up to 30.09.2017 and is not an ongoing scheme
Who can apply?
Expert organizations like PCRA, BEE,TERI, IITs, NITs etc. or State Govt. agencies like MITCON, GEDA etc., and the autonomous bodies of Central/State Govt are eligible to apply for funding support