Centrally Sponsored Scheme on Development of Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture


The country is endowed with vast resources in terms of ponds & tanks, rivers & canals, reservoirs, lakes and other water bodies having immense scope for development of fisheries to strengthen the food security, generate employment opportunities and earn foreign exchange with the ultimate objective of improving the socio economic status of fishers and other people engaged in the sector. In this direction, the Government of India formulated and launched the Centrally Sponsored Scheme on “Development of Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture” under macro-management approach in States/UT’s during the 10th Plan. The total outlay approved for the entire 10th Plan period is Rs 135.00 crore.

The components approved under the scheme are:

  • Development of Freshwater Aquaculture.
  • Development of Brackish water Aquaculture.
  • Cold water Fisheries and Aquaculture.
  • Development of Waterlogged Areas.
  • Productive Utilization of Inland Saline/Alkaline Soils for Aquaculture.
  • Integrated Development of Inland Capture Resources (reservoirs/rivers etc.)

The expenditure on developmental activities will be shared on 75:25 bases by the Government of India and the State/UT Governments in respect of all aforesaid components. The two components namely, Development of Freshwater Aquaculture and Brackish water Aquaculture are to be implemented by a single agency (FFDA). The remaining four components are to be implemented through the Fisheries Department of the respective States/UT’s. The States/UT’s is required to bear full cost on base as well as incremental staff salary, maintenance of vehicle, office contingencies and acquisition of land wherever necessary, etc. The cost towards purchase of vehicles will, however, continue to be shared on 50:50 bases between the Government of India and the State/UT Governments.

The Government of India’s share is in the form of grant-in-aid for all the items given under each component as per the approved norms. Subsidy on these items is given only once to a beneficiary. In addition to individual beneficiary, the financial assistance under the above components of the scheme is also available to Self-Help Groups, Women Groups and Fisheries Co-operative Societies, etc. The State/UT Governments on all these components have to make a matching contribution.

Besides subsidy on the approved items under the scheme, the balance amount for these items may be obtained as loan made available to the beneficiaries through FFDA’s/ States/ UT’s Fisheries Department from lead banks/participating banks. Subsidy for all approved items under the scheme can also be given to a beneficiary if the remaining cost of items is contributed by him from his/her own resources and is duly certified by the FFDA’s/States/UT’s Fisheries Department.

The implementing agencies had to furnish quarterly/annual progress reports indicating physical and financial achievements regularly in the prescribed format already communicated to the State/UT Government. The accounts of the agency shall be subject to audit by Chartered Accountants appointed by the agency and/or by such other officers of Government of India/State/UT Governments as required under the rules and report should be intimated to this Ministry.

The State/UT Governments has to ensure that the proposals for the various components are complete in all aspects accompanied by detailed progress reports of the central share released during the preceding years and reasons for shortfalls, if any, etc. The availability of budgetary provision in the State Budget should be specifically indicated in the proposal.

The component-wise details of activities eligible for assistance, the quantum of assistance and other details are as mentioned below:-
Group 1: Development of Freshwater Aquaculture (FFDA’s) Ongoing Component

Sr. No Description of Items Rate of assistance
1 Construction of new ponds Rs 2.00 lakh/ha in the plain areas. Subsidy @ 20% with a ceiling of Rs. 40,000/ha for all farmers except SC’s/ST’s for whom it will be Rs 50, 000/ha (25%)
Rs 3.0 lakh/ha in the hill States/Districts and North-Eastern region. Subsidy @ 20% with a ceiling of Rs 60,000/ha for all farmers except SC’s/ST’s for whom it will be Rs 75, 000/ha (25%).
2 Reclamation/Renovation of ponds/tanks Rs 60,000/ha. Subsidy @ 20% with a ceiling of Rs 12, 000/ha for all farmers except SC’s/ST’s for whom it will be Rs 15,000/ha (25%).
3 Cost of inputs a) Finish Culture – Rs 30,000/ha Subsidy @ 20% with a ceiling of Rs 6,000/ha for all farmers except SC’s/ST’s for whom it will be Rs 7,500/ha (25%)
b) Freshwater prawn culture – Unit cost Rs 1.20 lakh per ha. Subsidy @ 20% with a ceiling of Rs 24,000/- per ha
4 Running Water fish culture in hilly areas as well as in plain areas Rs 20,000/unit of 100 sq. meters. The above cost is inclusive of Rs 4,000 towards inputs. Subsidy @ 20% with a ceiling of Rs 4,000/- unit for all farmers except SC’s/ST’s for whom it will be Rs 5,000/unit (25%). Ceiling of 3 units for each farmer in terms of admissibility of grant.
5 Integrated Fish Farming Rs 80, 000/ha. Subsidy @ 20% with a ceiling of Rs 16, 000/ha for all farmers except SC’s/ST’s for whom it will be Rs 20,000/ha (25%).
6 Aerators/Pumps 50, 000/unit of two-1hp aerators/one 5hp diesel pump. Subsidy @ 25% with a ceiling of Rs 12,500/- for each set of aerators/pump for all categories of farmers who have reached a level of production of 3000 kg/ha/year. Maximum of two-1hp aerators/one 5hp diesel pump for one-hectare water area will be admissible.
7 Freshwater Fish Seed Hatchery Rs 8 lakh for a fish seed hatchery with 10 million (fry) capacity for the plain areas and Rs 12 lakh for same capacity in the hill States/Districts and NE Region.
Subsidy @ 10% with a ceiling of Rs 80,000/- and Rs 1.20 lakh in the plain and hilly areas respectively to entrepreneurs only.
8 Fish Feed Units Small Units – Unit cost is Rs 5 lakh with a capacity of 1.2 quintals/day. The subsidy would be @ 20% with a ceiling of Rs 1 lakh per unit to entrepreneurs.
9 Training of fish farmers Stipend @ Rs 100/- per day during training period of 10 days and a lump sum of Rs 100/- towards travel expenses/field visits.
10 Establishment of freshwater prawn seed hatchery i) Unit cost is Rs 30 lakh for a large freshwater prawn hatchery with a minimum capacity of 25 million PL/year. This would be one time grant to the States for establishment of hatchery at State level.
(ii) Unit cost is Rs 8 lakh for a small hatchery of 5-10 million PL/Year capacity. Subsidy @ 20% with a ceiling of Rs 1.60 lakh to entrepreneurs as one time grant.
11 Establishment of laboratories at State level for water quality and fish health Investigations Unit cost is Rs 30 lakh (Rs 25 lakh for the construction of building and Rs 5 lakh for equipment, glassware & chemicals, etc.). This would be one time grant to the States. The respective States would meet operational and other recurring cost.
12 Provision of soil and water testing kits to each FFDA Unit cost of each soil and water testing kit is Rs 30,000. The kits are sanctioned once to each FFDA as one time grant.
13 Setting up of integrated units, including hatcheries for ornamental fishes Unit cost is Rs 15 lakh, which includes hatchery of 5-10 million (fry) capacity.
Subsidy @ 10% with a maximum ceiling of Rs 1.50 lakh to all categories of fish farmers.
14 Transportation of fish/prawn seed This will be applicable only for the hill States/Districts and North-Eastern Region.
Subsidy @ Rs 20 for 1000 fry transported to all FFDAs. Not applicable to individual fish farmer.
15 Purchase of Vehicles 50% cost of vehicle for each new FFDA and 50% cost for the replaced vehicle (second vehicle).


  • Expenditure on all items above except purchase of vehicles (item 15) will be shared on 75:25 bases between Government of India and States.
  • The above assistance under FFDA programme is available only once to a beneficiary.
  • Subsidy for the construction of new ponds and tanks, reclamation/renovation of ponds/tanks and first year inputs to an individual beneficiary up to 5 ha is available with or without institutional finance in the plain areas and 1.0 ha in the hill States/Districts on pro-rata basis.
Sr. No. Description of Items Rate
1 Renovation or construction of brackish water fish farms Beneficiaries will be small shrimp farmers having land holding of 2 ha or less.
25% cost subject to a maximum of Rs 40,000/- per ha as subsidy.
2 For training of shrimp farmers Training part could be managed by the State Governments by availing assistance under another scheme on Fisheries Training and Extension or could provide specific/specialized training through the centers of expertise on surveillance centers proposed under the programme at Sr. No. 5 below.
3 Establishment of Demonstration-cum-Training center One time GOI’s share of grants amounting to Rs 5.00 lakh.
4 Aquatic Quarantine and Inspection Unit (AQIU) Unit Headquarter at Delhi and supporting staff at NBFGR (ICAR Institute) and nodal units one each on east and west coast. 100% expenditure will be incurred by the Centre.
5 Network of Diagnostic Laboratories for Aquatic Animal Health 100% expenditure will be incurred by the Centre.


Expenditure on items from 1 to 3 above will be shared on 75:25 basis between GOI and States. On items 4 and 5 above, 100% expenditure will be borne by the GOI.
Group 3: Coldwater Fisheries and Aquaculture (New Component)

Sr. No. Description of Items Rate
1 Preparation of resource survey report/feasibility report Rs 5 lakh as one time grant to the State Government
2 Short term investigations, breeding or rearing, etc. Rs 5 lakh as one time grant to the State Government
3 Construction, renovation, extension or re-modeling of fish farms One time grant. Amount to be decided on the merit of the proposal
4 Farming units for coldwater fish species and first year inputs Unit cost of Rs 35,000/- (Rs 25,000/- plus Rs 10,000/-) for a unit size – 15m x 2m x 1m. Subsidy to beneficiaries @ 20% with a maximum ceiling of Rs 7,000/- per unit.
5 Units for running water fish culture Unit cost including inputs Rs 42,500/-. Subsidy to beneficiaries @ 20% with a ceiling of Rs 8,500/- per unit.
6 Feed units Rs 10 lakhs per unit as one time grant to State Governments
7 Training of fish farmers Stipend @ Rs 100/- per day of training (for a period of 10 days) and a lump sum payment of Rs 100/- towards travel expenses/field visits per trainee.
8 Purchase of vehicle Purchase of one vehicle under the scheme is allowed. Expenditure to be shared on 50:50 basis by the Centre and the states.


Expenditure on all the above items except Sr. No. 8 (purchase of vehicle) to be shared on 75:25 basis by the Centre and States.

Group 5: Productive Utilization of Inland Saline/Alkaline Waters for aquaculture (New Component)

Sr. No. Description of Items Rate
1 Cost for construction Unit cost Rs 2.5 lakh/ha
Subsidy @ 20% with ceiling of Rs 50,000/- per ha
2 Input cost Unit cost Rs 1 lakh/ha
Subsidy @ 20% with a ceiling of Rs 20,000/- per ha
3 Training Stipend @ Rs 100/- per day during training (maximum period of 10 days) and a lump sum payment of Rs 100/- towards travel expenses/field visits per trainee.


Expenditure on all the above items will be shared on 75:25 basis by the Centre and States.

Group 6: Inland Capture Fisheries (Reservoirs/Rivers etc.) – New Component


Sr. No. Description of Items Rate
1 Fish seed rearing units
Seed Rearing Units
Cages/pens with inputs Unit cost Rs 2 lakh/ha Subsidy @ 20% to the beneficiary/State Government/FISHCOPFED, etc. with a ceiling of Rs 40,000/- per ha Unit cost Rs 15,000/- Subsidy @ 20% to the beneficiary/State Government/FISHCOPFED, etc. with a ceiling of Rs 3000/- per unit
2 Input cost (seed, feed, manures, fertilizers, preventive measures for disease etc.) Unit cost Rs 30,000/- per ha (one time) Subsidy @ 20% to the beneficiaries/State Government/FISHCOPFED with a ceiling of Rs 6000/- per ha
3 Training Stipend @ Rs 100/- per day during training (maximum period of 10 days) and a lump sum payment of Rs 100/- towards travel expenses/field visits per training.
4 Craft and gear (nets, boats etc.) Unit cost Rs 15,000/- Subsidy @ 20% with a ceiling of Rs 3000/- per unit
5 Construction of landing centers Unit cost Rs 1,00,000/- per landing center Assistance to State Government
6 Riverine Fisheries Conservation and Awareness Programmes Financial assistance to State Government for conservation/river ranching, etc. with a maximum ceiling of Rs 2 lakh in a year.


Important Ongoing NFDB Schemes for Individual Beneficiaries/SHGs/Entrepreneurs (2014-15)

The National Fisheries Development Board (NFDB) was established to work towards a blue revolution with a focus on increasing the fish production of the country to a level of about 10 million metric tonnes from the present level of 6.4 million metric tonnes, to achieve doubling of exports and an additional direct employment to an extent of 3.5 million by extending assistance to various agencies for implementation of activities under Inland, Brackish water and Marine sectors.

The NFDB has formulated several schemes for giving assistance to the individual farmers, SHGs, entrepreneurs & Govt. organization etc. The Directorate of Fisheries, West Bengal has taken initiatives to provide financial assistance through NFDB to the individual farmers, SHGs, entrepreneurs. The important schemes with existing unit cost and pattern of assistance are listed below:

Intensive Aquaculture in ponds and Tanks

Sl No Name of the Activity/Scheme Unit Cost Pattern of assistance
1 Construction of new fish/prawn ponds and Tanks
Existing species Rs. 3.00 lakhs/ ha for plain areas 20% subsidy with a ceiling of Rs. 0.60 lakhs /ha. and 25% subsidy to SC & STs with a ceiling of Rs. 0.75 lakhs/ha.
New species
Pangasius sutchi
Rs. 3.00 lakhs /ha 20% of the unit cost for all farmers and 25% subsidy to SC & STs
2 Renovation of ponds and Tanks
Existing fish/prawn ponds and tanks Rs.0.75 lakh/ha 20% subsidy for all farmers/ entrepreneurs with a ceiling of 0.15 lakhs/ha and 25% subsidy to SC & STs with a ceiling of Rs. new species 0.1875 lakhs/ha.
New species
Pangasius sutchi
Rs.0.75 lakh/ha
3 Cost of inputs
For prawn farming Rs.1.80 lakhs/ha 20% subsidy with a ceiling of Rs. 0.36 lakhs /ha for all farmers
For fish/prawn farming in Paddy fields Rs.0.50 lakhs/ha 20% subsidy for all farmers/entrepreneurs
New species
Pangasius sutchi
Rs. 5.00 lakh / ha 40% of subsidy of the unit cost
4 Establishment of freshwater prawn seed hatchery
Capacity: 5-8 million PL /unit/ year for Entrepreneurs/farmers Rs. 12 lakhs/unit 20% subsidy with a ceiling of Rs. 2.40 lakhs to entrepreneurs / farmers.
5 Establishment of fish seed hatchery
Establishment of fish seed hatcheries with or with out /nurseries 7 -8 million (fry) capacity / year Rs. 12.00 lakhs/ unit 20% back ended bank linked subsidy to entrepreneurs / farmers with a ceiling of Rs. 2.4 lakhs/unit.
5 Construction of fish seed rearing units
Construction of fish seed rearing units for rearing fry to large fingerlings of 80 – 100 mm size Rs. 3.00 lakhs/ha. 20% subsidy for all farmers/entrepreneurs 25% subsidy to SC & STs
Feed mill of 1.2 quintal /day 7.5 lakhs / unit 20% subsidy with a ceiling of Rs. 1.5 lakh per unit to entrepreneurs/ Farmers

Freshwater Ornamental Fisheries

Sl No Name of the Activity/Scheme Unit Cost Pattern of assistance
1 Backyard hatchery Rs.1.50 lakh 50% unit cost as subsidy to entrepreneurs, members of Women SHGs/ Fisherwomen Cooperative Societies
2 Medium scale unit Rs.4.00 lakhs 50% unit cost as subsidy to beneficiaries
3 Integrated Ornamental Fishery Units Rs 15.00 lakhs 50 % unit cost as subsidy to entrepreneur
4 Setting up of Aquarium fabrication units SHGs/ Entrepreneurs Rs. 1.00 lakh 50% unit cost as subsidy to members of Women SHGs/ Fisherwomen Cooperative Societies and 25% unit cost as subsidy to individual persons.

Coastal Aquaculture

Sl.No Name of the Activity/Scheme Unit Cost Pattern of assistance
1 Construction of ponds for brackish water fin fish culture Rs. 2.40 lakhs/ha 25% cost subject to a maximum of Rs. 0.60 lakhs/ha as subsidy.
2 Additional infrastructure for modification of existing shrimp farm for brackish water finfish culture. Rs. 2.00 lakhs/ ha. 25% cost subject to a maximum of Rs. 0.50 lakhs/ha as subsidy.
3 Input assistance for brackish water fin fish culture. Rs. 3.00 lakhs/ ha. (subject to the approval of CIBA based on the production levels) 1. One time back ended subsidy of 25% to all farmers to a maximum of 0.75 lakhs/ha and 2. 30% subsidy in case of SC/STs to a maximum of Rs. 0.90 lakhs/ha.
4 Assistance for additional infrastructure to Specific Pathogen Free shrimp culture farm Rs. 15.00 lakhs for 5 ha. w.s.a. and above 1. Back ended subsidy of 25% on the capital cost.
2. Back ended subsidy of 30% on the capital cost to SCs/STs

Development of Domestic Fish Marketing

Sl.No Name of the Activity/Scheme Unit Cost Pattern of assistance
1 Setting up of retail fish Outlets (mobile) Up to Rs.10.00 lakhs Subsidy @ 25 % of approved project cost to entrepreneurs (30% subsidy for SCs /ST).
2 Retailing by fisher women Up to Rs. 10.00 lakhs 40% subsidy on the project cost to Fisher women who are involved in fish marketing and fisher women who are from fishermen Community and members of local fishermen or fisher women co-operative societies.

Fish drying and Processing

Sl.No Name of the Activity/Scheme Unit Cost Pattern of assistance
1 Setting up of Solar Drying of fish units. (i) Unit cost up to Rs. 6.0 lakhs for 100 Kg/day
(ii) case to case basis for 500 Kg./day and above.
25% subsidy (30% for SC/ ST) to fishermen/ fisher women/SHGs/ entrepreneurs
2 Platform for Sun drying of fish Unit cost limited to Rs. 35,000/- per platform of min 150 sq. feet. 25% subsidy (30% for SC/ ST) to Fishermen/ fisher women/SHGs/ entrepreneurs.

Submission of Proposal: There is a single Application Form for all these NFDB schemes. All the eligible applicants shall submit duly filled application form to the concerned Block Fishery Extension Officers/CEO, FFDA of district.

Important documents required for NFDB assistance

  • Clear title of the land in the name of the applicant/s (copy of Porcha/ROR)
  • If the land is on lease, lease deed for a minimum period of 7 years (copy of lease deed agreement)
  • Bank’s consent to provide loan towards the non-subsidy portion of the investment (original copy of bank consent letter).
  • In case of Self finance (full or part) towards the non-subsidy portion of investment; the applicant has to furnish self declaration on one hundred rupees Non- Judicial Stamp Paper. This Stamp Paper should be attached with the Application Form.
  • SC/ST Certificate (in case of SC/ST farmers)
  • Proof of identity ((EPIC, Passport, Ration Card, Bank Account etc.)
  • Other documents as specified in the schemes for which assistance required.

Release of Subsidy: Generally, the subsidy sanctioned shall be released to the implementing agencies in single installment/two installments depending upon the schemes.

Disbursement of Subsidy: The NFDB subsidy shall be back-ended in both the cases of self financed as well as bank loan availed towards the non-subsidy portion of funds.

However, the detailed conditions for disbursement of the NFDB assistance will be indicated in the respective sanctioned.