Telangana State Industrial Infrastructure Corporation Ltd is the premier organisation in the state of Telangana, vested with the objective of providing industrial infrastructure through the development of industrial areas. The corporation has so far developed more than 300 industrial parks spreading over an extent of about 1,21,655 acres (including allotted area)
Telangana Industrial Health Clinic
“Telangana Industrial Health Clinic Limited (TIHCL)”,
The Telangana Industrial Health Clinic Ltd (TIHCL), a one-of-its-kind initiative of the State government to handhold micro and small manufacturing enterprises from slipping into sickness, is ready to extend services beyond the boundaries of Telangana on demand.
.What to study?
For Prelims: About TIHCL.
For Mains: Functions and significance.
Context: The Telangana Industrial Health Clinic Ltd (TIHCL) is ready to extend services beyond the boundaries of Telangana on demand.
1.Since its inception about one and a half year ago as a fintech non-banking finance company, the TIHCL has been managing with just one-tenth of the originally envisaged ₹100 crore corpus fund.This decision makes it eligible for Central government funding.
2.The proposed foray, however, would be subject to the State government giving an assurance of no intrusion either in the model of funding, offered to the micro and small enterprises, or governance.
3.Another condition is that the Centre or the State government concerned ought to take care of the administrative, legal and consulting expenses.
About the Telangana Industrial Health Clinic Ltd (TIHCL):
TIHCL is a co-financing non-banking finance company (NBFC).
Objective: To provide financial support to micro and small manufacturing units.
1.TIHCL is promoted by the Telangana Government with 10 per cent of the capital of Rs 100 crore.About 5 per cent of the capital comes from micro and small enterprises which seek its facilitation and services.
2.Banks, financial institutions and high networth tndividuals are expected to contribute the rest of the capital.
3.Industries & Commerce Department – Incentives for Textiles and Apparel Sector – Telangana Textile and Apparel Incentive Scheme 2017 – Orders – Issued